Sunday 8 September 2013

Chia Seeds: Are they worth the hype?

Is all the hype over Chia seeds worth it you ask?


Well it depends on the following:

  1. Are you trying to loose weight?
  2. Are you an athlete that eats the fridge out due to your nagging appetite?
  3. Are you trying to get more nutrition into your meals?


If you answered yes to any of the above, then YES the hype is worth it!




According to my research the word ‘chia’ stands for ‘strength’ and the Aztecs (supposedly) used the seeds whilst in battle. They found it gave them energy and sustainability to fight.




  • Calcium
  • Omega-3
  • Antioxidants
  • 30% protein
  • Vitamin A,B,E and D
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Sodium
  • And honestly I could go on but I think you get the hint, they are good for you!


5 Reasons you are going to the shop to buy it


  • The high fibre content found in chia seeds seems to regulate the release of glucose into the bloodstream, resulting in feeling fuller for longer
  • Their anti-inflammatory properties assist with muscle aches and pains, which makes them perfect for a post work out snack
  • They can be used as an egg replacement. Any recipe that asks for an ‘egg’, you can combine the seeds with water and stir until a gel is formed and ‘presto’ you have an egg replacement
  • The seeds contain three times more iron then spinach, more calcium then milk, twice the potassium then a banana and more antioxidants then most berries
  • They are more then 20% protein.


I personally love these seeds and have only recently redeveloped my love for them after picking some up on special at Priceline. They are not ZERO calories like some websites boast, however they are good for you and will assist in weight loss. If you are eating anything that states it is good for you, is zero calories and it is not air, then be concerned of what it does contain…very concerned.  

Monday 2 September 2013

Put the chips and donuts away and grab some Popcorn!


5 reasons why you should enjoy your popcorn more often?

  • It is 100 percent unprocessed whole grain
  • This low-calorie snack has fewer than 100 calories per 3-cup serving.
  • Popcorn's fibrous non-digestible husk takes longer for you to chew, allowing your body to register that it is full which assists in preventing you from overeating.
  •  The insoluble fiber content of popcorn makes it sit in your stomach for a while, keeping you feeling satisfied between meals.
  •  Additionally, the high fiber content can help prevent your risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and diverticular disease, says the Linus Pauling Institute.

But what can I put on it?

  • Air pop your popcorn with coconut oil! This oil is amazing, it is hard to grasp the fact that something so yum is good for you,  it aids in poor digestion, tummy bloating and has been found to benefit digestive disorders including irritable bowel syndrome. Fatty acids in coconut oil contain anti microbial properties, which have a soothing affect on bacteria, candida, or parasites that cause poor digestion.